Thursday, January 7, 2010


Its' a snowy day in Iowa today, big shock I know, its so bad however that the 3 kiddos are home with me as there is no school. This is actually fitting as I really feel I shine best when multi-tasking. I mean why wait till tomorrow to start posting, the house will be so quiet and clutter and boxing match free? Seize the day!

Today I am posting pictures of necklaces, the GLITZ you are looking for. I like having pieces that other women BUZZ about and I know are unique. It's an extra bit of confidence when entering a room. Materialistic? Maybe. Does it work? Every time! A Queen walks in the room with her head held high and she rules the room. I hope you can find designs that will help you take charge of who you are and be BEE-autiful and confident. Take charge of your own destiny and BEE who you want to be by adding that extra pop to your ensemble.

Each GLITZ piece was made with love, and with a memory in mind. I am blessed to have a court of queens in my life who make my days much richer. The Bee came to mind because my last name starts with a "B" and because bee's spread pollen to flowers to help them bloom and I hope my creations help you bloom!

Every design has been named for one of them with a short story attached that I hope you enjoy! No two necklaces are alike except they all have 3 beads at the end of each strand before the clasp, they represent my three greatest creations, my children.
The Queen Bee

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